Drug Crimes
Aggressive. Diligent. Confident.Virginia Beach Drug Crime Attorneys
Types of Drug Charges in Virginia
Many drug crimes are serious felonies, however, and can land you in prison for over a year, or even decades for extreme cases. Retain a drug crime attorney from our firm right away for the experienced defense that you need to defend yourself not only from a conviction, but from damage to your reputation and to your career.
We can aggressively fight charges of:
- Possession
- Possession with intent to distribute
- Distribution
- Manufacturing
- Importation of controlled substances
Few charges can damage your reputation and career objectives more than charges of a drug crime. Anyone who has been accused of a drug crime cannot afford to wait when it comes to hiring an aggressive drug crime attorney. If convicted, you will face immense challenges throughout your life. Employers will be hesitant to hire anyone who has been convicted of a drug crime of any sort. The sooner you get your charges dropped or your case dismissed, the safer your future career options will be.
State & Federal Court Drug Crime Legal Counsel
It can be difficult to find the right attorney when it comes to drug charges. Your future is at stake depending on whether or not your lawyer is able to fight your charges. At McCormack & McCormack, we have handled countless jury trials and are more than capable of presenting a strong defense on your behalf.
Our lawyers will work tirelessly to:
- Investigate your case
- Prepare your defense
- Aggressively fight for you
Contact us todayfor more information on how our firm can handle your drug crime defense. Our firm is proud to represent clients in and around Hampton Roads, including Virginia Beach, Norfolk, Chesapeake, Portsmouth, Newport News, Suffolk, Hamptonand Northamptonand Accomack Countieson the Eastern Shore.